You might not agree with this placement because there may be many other Royal Oak models that prevail in your opinion. Nevertheless, the Offshore reference 25721ST was a game-changer for perfect replica Audemars Piguet. In this article, I wrote about the history of the Royal Oak Offshore. In short, luxury copy Audemars Piguet wanted a more masculine watch for a younger audience. Women were wearing the regular Royal Oaks, and cheap fake Audemars Piguet UK wanted something aimed at men (different times, people, different times). So in 1989, then-CEO Stephen Urquhart asked designer Emmanuel Gueit to come up with something that would fit the bill.

The best 1:1 fake Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore was his answer. After postponing the introduction for several years, AP finally introduced the watch in 1993. The Offshore was bold and ruthless, and later on, it inspired many other brands to follow. There’s an anecdote that Genta angrily told Gueit that he ruined his original design, but there was no stopping it. When I started collecting fake watches for sale, the Royal Oak Offshore was way more popular than the regular Royal Oak models.
Especially with the high quality replica Audemars Piguet Offshore Theme series (remember the Safari?), they were in incredibly high demand. These days, the enthusiasm for the Offshore models seems to have cooled down a bit, and the regular Royal Oaks tend to be stronger performers. But make no mistake, these Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore fake watches for sale did wonders for the desirability of Audemars Piguet watches in the 1990s and 2000s.